Thursday, 2 April 2015

IMAGE Models and Getting Modeling Jobs

New Modeling Jobs

After accepting that you are going to be a glamour model, the job begins. You must be able to love your body for the self-confidence, which then enhances your ability to be admired on the photos. It is important for you to see yourself as attractive before others do so. You have to maintain  good shape, and health. Therefore, a good meal and exercise should be on your daily routine.


You must also practice unique poses for better chances of attracting a bigger audience and clients in the future. Ensure you get professional photographers for some of your photos to use when you need to meet new contractors. Glamour modelling entails investing in your looks. Here is what Sasha said about her second job through IMAGE Models.

"HEY! It went well thanks. Much easier than the last one and the weather was amazing. There were 3 other models, 2 guys 1 girl and we got on really well. We outnumbered the crew actually for most of the day! Haven't seen the results yet apart from on the little screen but hope they're good. tc ttyl!

IMAGE Models

If you want to find out about modeling jobs and IMAGE Models, visit us on our website to apply or to make a booking. We'll get right back to you with models, availability and rates. Please also make sure to follow the IMAGE Models twitter.